MIPAS Committee

This committee organizes study related activities for all MISOC, Public Administration and Sociology students. From a Publecture to a Symposium, and from a visit to the House of Representatives to a daytrip! This committee is one of the most diverse committees of Cedo, and with that one of the most fun ones!

Contact us: mipas@cedonulli.nl

Board Supervisor: Maartje van Houwelingen


  • Michiel Doesburg

    Michiel Doesburg


  • Britt Schipper

    Britt Schipper


  • Ismar Jeginovic

    Ismar Jeginovic


  • Collin Kolks

    Collin Kolks

    Commissioner of External Relations

  • Maroussia Blom

    Maroussia Blom

    Commissioner of Promotion