Sports- and Activities Committee

Books, articles, papers and deadlines. These are things every student hates but has to deal with. Luckily, student life doesn’t exist of only these things. The Sports- and Activities Committee is there to help students relax. Five committee members take care of all the joyful experiences throughout the year. But what are these experiences? The all well-known Ski Trip, Sint-Nicolas Drink, Beer Cantus and loads of other sport related activities. 

Contact us:

Board Supervisor: Jowie Poon


  • Jannes Heeren

    Jannes Heeren


  • Dylan Plak

    Dylan Plak


  • Oskar A Schleicher

    Oskar A Schleicher


  • Marloes Helwig

    Marloes Helwig

    Commissioner of Promotion

  • Benjamin Trapman

    Benjamin Trapman

    Commissioner of External Relations

  • Merlijn Beene

    Merlijn Beene

    Commissioner of External Relations