Dear students,

This year’s psychology symposium will be one you do NOT want to miss!! With the topic being gender, an interesting subject with lot of different views and opinions, this symposium is sure to enrich you with new perspectives. We have arranged three amazing speakers, all adding a different kind of expertise to this event.

Dick Swaab, a famous Dutch neurobiologist, will be speaking on brain differences between genders.

Ulf Sandström, all the way from Sweden, will be talking about gender from a societal point of view, explaining differences in research performance.

Sass Sasot, an ambassador for transgenderism, will be sharing her inspiring personal experiences as an academic professional.

This symposium will be from a psychological point of view but has been designed to interest not just psychology students! We are sure there is something for every critical thinking student out there.

This event will take place on the 18th of February, at 18:45. Location will be Theil building C2-2.

Hope to see you there!
Psychology committee