Discover PRI: The Art of Conscious Living Workshop!

We're excited to invite you to "The Art of Conscious Living" workshop, organized by the PRI Academy Netherlands! Are you ready to unlock the secrets of conscious living?

Whether you're studying Psychology or Pedagogical Sciences, this workshop is tailored for you. Discover how early childhood experiences shape defense mechanisms and learn how PRI can pave the way for a more fulfilling life. Studying something else? You're still welcome to join!

What is PRI?
Past Reality Integration (PRI) is a meta-therapy blending elements of cognitive behavior therapy, trauma therapy, and a schema-focused approach. Delve into the fields of psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, and cognitive approaches to uncover the power of PRI in shaping your personal and professional development.

What can you expect?

PRI Explained: Understand PRI’s theoretical framework and its place among other treatment methods.

Real-World Application: A live case study showcasing how PRI was applied to a real client, providing insight into its practical effectiveness.

Hands-On Experience: Engage in a practical exercise, putting the PRI model into action. A chance to actively participate and experience the transformative power firsthand.

Q&A Session: Pose burning questions to our experienced facilitators.

Date: 16 February
Venue: Polak 1-21
Members: free 
External guests: €2,00
Snacks and drinks: provided!

Lots of love,
The Psychology Committee